About Us
Marine Buzz is About All Things Nautical and Boating
Living in South Florida is a unique privilege if you’re a boater. The year-round mild weather and typically warm southeasterly breezes make this a true boater’s paradise. Boaters have easy access to launches and marinas statewide.
Whether you’re into fishing, family boating, cruising or are one of the sand bar crowd, there are plenty of opportunities for along Florida’s 1350 miles of coastline.
Although we’re in Florida, there boating opportunities throughout the entire Untied States. Boaters share a passion of the outdoors and the freedom of being out water and getting away from the crowds. Boaters all over also have similar interests and problems.
At Marine Buzz, we intend to explore diverse yet similar interests. We will post any nautical news that may be of interest or import. Boaters also seem to be forever involved with projects, from replacing a water pump to doing a complete tear down project boat. We will try to provide insightful tips and techniques that will save you time, money and frustration.
Lastly, what boater doesn’t like looking at new boats. Innovation in the today’s boats seem to be never-ending and quite the curiosity for many. There’s nothing better than going to a boat show and seeing all the latest boats, gadgets and gear.